(This blog was written by Bharat Dwarkani at Syncfusion.)
At Syncfusion, we’ve been developing controls and frameworks for software developers since 2001. Over time, as our product line has expanded—emerging from our first grid control to more than 800 different controls across a variety of platforms—our release management process has become increasingly complex. Fortunately, Git came along and made everything easier.
Git is an open source distributed version control system that
is flexible and easy to use for all kinds of teams, no matter how big or small.
To adopt Git in everyday development, a model called Gitflow was introduced
by Vincent Driessen, which Syncfusion has
successfully used to simplify our development and release management. This
article assumes you have some prior knowledge of Git and its basic terminologies.
This article aims to further describe Driessen's branching model and how his Gitflow extension can be useful in a
release management workflow for enterprise.
Workflow model
Gitflow utilizes the core feature of Git, which is the power
of branches.
In this model, a repository has two main branches:
1. Master—This
is a highly stable branch that is always production-ready and contains the last
release version of source code in production.
2. Develop—Derived
from the master branch, the develop branch serves as a branch for integrating
different features planned for an upcoming release. This branch may or may not
be as stable as the master branch. It is where developers collaborate and merge
feature branches.
two branches are the starting points for any project. They are very important
and should be protected against accidental deletion until the project is better
defined. Only authorized leads or project owners should be given the responsibility
to merge changes from other branches—such as the feature branch, which we’ll
discuss later—to the develop or master branches.
Apart from those two primary branches, there are other
branches in the workflow:
1. Feature—This
derives from the develop branch and is used to develop features.
2. Release—This
also derives from the develop branch but is used during releases.
3. Hotfix—This
derives from the master branch and is used to fix a bug in the production
branch that was identified after a release.
Diagram Author: Vincent Driessen | Original blog post: nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model |
License: Creative Commons BY-SA
We will discuss these branches in detail along with the Gitflow
extension used to simplify the management of these branches. The commands we
use for the Gitflow extension are based on the Windows environment, but other platforms
have similar commands. You can check out the Gitflow wiki
for complete details regarding supported commands.
Installing the Gitflow extension
The following simplified steps will get you up and running
on Windows; although, GitHub also hosts installation
instructions for different platforms.
1. Download and install Git for Windows. By default, it will
install in this directory: C:\Program
2. Next, you need to retrieve three files: getopt.exe from the util-linux
package, libintl3.dll, and libiconv2.dll from the dependencies
packages (libintl and libiconv). (For
ease of installation, we gathered and uploaded all these files to http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/ze/dependencies142480694.zip.)
3. Once you have those three files, copy and paste them
to the location where Git is installed in your system (i.e. inside a bin folder
at C:\Program Files\Git\bin).
4. Next, clone or download this repository: https://github.com/nvie/gitflow.
5. When done, navigate to the folder named “contrib”
6. Open the command prompt in that directory in administration mode and type this command: msysgit-install.cmd "C:\Program Files\Git”.
7. Gitflow will be installed and configured in your
system and ready to use. You can test it by typing git flow help at the command prompt.
Note: In the next
discussion, we will use a sampleGitHub repository and
a Gitflow extension to demonstrate branches in a workflow.
Setting up Gitflow in your repository
When starting a project, you won’t have any code files. No
problem, just create a Git repository with an empty directory. When finished,
you can clone your repository in your system. In this example, we are using a sample GitHub
repository, but the procedure applies for any Git repository.
1. Clone the branch in your system using the Windows
command prompt:
git clone https://github.com/bharatdwarkani/gitflow-example
2. Switch to the following directory:
cd gitflow-example
3. Initialize Gitflow in this repository:
git flow init
You will receive a message stating that no branches exist
and prompting you to use common branch names. If you don’t want to change the default
branch names, press Enter to proceed. When finished, you will have a Gitflow
extension initialized in your repository.
Note: This process has to
be done by every developer for any repository they clone in a system. It is not
limited to new repositories; it can be used for existing repositories too.
Master and develop branches
The master and develop branches form the base of any
repository in Git. The master branch contains a version of the code that is in
production, and the develop branch contains a version that is due to be
released in an upcoming version. Execute the following commands in the command
prompt to check out the master branch in your system.
git checkout master
git push -u origin master
You will be prompted for your user name and password; enter them
to proceed. Next, you will need to push the develop branch to a remote
repository (i.e. from your system to sync with GitHub). Since the develop
branch is only on your local machine, it has to be moved to a remote repository
by executing the following commands.
git checkout develop
git push origin develop
Now you have a repository containing master and develop
branches copied from your local machine. This is required only when you first
start a project from scratch; otherwise, you could work with one of the following
Feature branch
The feature branch splits from the developbranch and merges back to the develop
branch after a feature is complete. The conventional naming of this branch starts
with feature/*. This branch is
mostly created and used by developers collaborating with teams. The purpose of the
feature branch is to develop small modules of a feature in a project.
You might wonder why developers can’t work directly from the
develop branch. Why do they need to branch off to a feature branch? To explain this,
consider a scenario where you are developing a feature and management decides
to drop that feature, as it is no longer required or there is less feasibility
of implementing it.
At that time, if you are working in the develop branch
directly, it would create a lot of conflicts and possibly break the existing
code. Also, to do this you would need to manually delete or comment out code.
Instead, if you branched off a separate feature branch, you
could silently discard and delete that branch without affecting the develop
branch. Not only does this help develop features, which require the trial-and-error
technique, but by using a separate branch you also get an extra level of
stability in the develop branch since code from the feature branch undergoes
several levels of code reviews and quality assessment before merging to the develop
The lifetime of a feature branch ends once it merges with the
develop branch. If multiple developers or teams are working on the same feature,
it’s easier for them to collaborate by working on a common feature branch.
The following steps show how a feature branch can be created
and published using the Gitflow extension from the Windows command prompt.
1. To clone a repository:
git clone https://github.com/bharatdwarkani/gitflow-example
cd gitflow-example
git checkout develop
git flow init
2. To start a feature branch (the name of the feature
branch will be the name of the feature; we are using feature1 in this example):
git flow feature start feature1
After execution, the feature1 branch is created, but it
exists only on your system and will not be available in the remote GitHub repository.
Now you can continue with your development, adding files and modifying the code.
When you’re done with the feature, you can commit it to your local system and
later push it to the remote repository.
3. Once done, the status of the changes can be
checked for newly added or modified files.
git status
git add .
git commit -am "Your message"
4. The following commands publish the feature to the
remote repository.
git flow publish feature1
git push
If you check in the remote repository, a branch with the namefeature/feature1 will be created.
Note: In the command
prompt, the name of the branch you use is feature1,
but Gitflow adds a naming prefix automatically (feature/branch) as a convention. When specifying a branch name in
Git commands, you need to use the full branch name (feature/feature1), but in Gitflow commands the general prefix (feature/) need not be specified.
5. Once a feature is complete and the code has been
reviewed, you can complete your work in a branch by issuing the following
command. Upon execution, the code will be merged to the develop branch automatically
and the feature branch will be deleted from the remote repository.
git flow finish feature1
6. If
you need to delete a branch, you can execute: git branch -d feature/feature1
Note: If multiple developers are coordinating on a feature, they need to
follow the previous steps for cloning with one caveat: First, one of the
developers has to create and publish a feature branch, which might be empty so that
the others can work collaboratively. If a new developer needs to work, they can
follow the same process by modifying the following command.
git flow feature track feature1 instead of git flow feature start feature1
Apart from this, there is one more branch called bugfix.It has a workflow similar to the feature branch, but it is used to fix a bug.
Release branch
The release branch derives from the develop branchand merges back to the develop and
master branches after a release is completed. By convention, the naming of this
branch starts with release/*. This
branch is created and used when features are completed and finalized for a
versioned release.
Why can’t we directly release from the develop branch? Because
the sole purpose of the release branch is to isolate a version of a release that
is final but needs some quality assistance and stability from the upcoming
version. If we branch off from the release branch, then other developers who
are assigned to develop features for an upcoming release and are not involved
in the release stability process can continue to develop and merge their
features into the developbranchwithout waiting on or affecting the current
release process. The release branch helps isolate the development of an upcoming
version and the current release.
The release branch’s lifetime ends when a particular version
of a project is released. Once this branch merges to the develop and master
branches, it can be deleted. And once you have done this, you can tag a master branch
with a particular release version—let’s say v1.0—to create a historical milestone.
The following example explains how a release branch can be
created and published using the Gitflow extension from the command prompt.
1. Start a release branch:
git checkout develop
git pull
git flow release start release1
2. Commit newly added or modified changes and push
to the remote repository:
git add .
git commit -am "Your message"
git flow publish release1
git push
3. Merge changes to the develop branch:
git checkout develop
git merge release/release1
4. After a release, merge changes to the master
git checkout release/release1
git pull
git flow release finish release1
git flow release finish -m "Your
message" "release1"
git checkout master
git push --all origin
Hotfix branch
The hotfix branch is derived from the master branchand merged back after completion to the
developandmaster branches. By convention, the name of this branch starts
with hotfix/*. This branch is
created and used after a particular version of product is released to provide
critical bug fixes for the production version.
The reason we do this is because one problem you might face
when branching off from the develop branchis that some of your developers may have already started work for the upcoming
release while you are in the middle of the current release. Your release would contain
the next version of features, which are not finalized, but you only need to
provide bug fixes for the current version. Instead of branching off from the develop
branch, you can branch off from the master branch, as that branch contains only
the current version of the code in production. This way, branching off from the
master branch will not affect your production or development version of the product.
The hotfix branch can be deleted once a critical fix for the
current production version is released and merged with the master and develop
branches. Once you have done this, you can again tag the master branch with an
iterative subversion of the release; let’s say v1.1.
This example shows how the hotfix1 branch can be created and published using the Gitflow
extension from a command prompt.
1. Start a new hotfix branch and commit changes
after modifications:
git checkout develop
git flow hotfix start hotfix1
git status
git add .
git commit -am "Your message"
2. Publish the branch to the remote repository:
git flow publish hotfix1
3. Merge changes to remote repository:
git flow hotfix finish hotfix1
git flow hotfix finish -m "Your
message" "hotfix1"
git status
git checkout master
git push --all origin
Note: All commands
starting with git flow are based on
the Gitflow extension. Actual Git commands don’t have flow keywords in them.
They start only with git.
To learn more
Mastering the full functionality of Git
takes time, so you’ll probably benefit from books like Git Succinctly and GitHub Succinctly. Both are part of Syncfusion’s Succinctly series of e-books—an
acclaimed library of short technology books designed to orient you quickly with
new technologies. The series is a great resource for developers, numbering more
than 100 titles—all completely free.
If you choose to fully embrace the tenants of Gitflow order, know that you can use them with Axosoft’s GitKraken, a cross-platform Git GUI built to help put Git into human terms. Download GitKraken today to make Git even easier!